Program notifications and documents
Access official program documents, the most recent automatic enrollment notice, the electricity supply contract, press releases, and other notifications.
Price calculator
Use the calculator to compare the cost and environmental impact of participating in Southborough Community Power Choice to National Grid’s Basic Service.
Renewable energy
When purchasing additional renewable energy, Southborough Community Power Choice prioritizes supporting new renewable energy projects in the New England region to help drive the growth of clean electricity on our local grid.
How aggregation works
Municipal electricity aggregation like Southborough Community Power Choice is a kind of group electricity buying program for a city or town.
Example National Grid bill
Use your National Grid bill to determine whether you are enrolled in Southborough Community Power Choice and in what option.
Tax-exempt accounts
Tax-exemption documentation must be submitted to the program's electricity supplier, each time the supplier changes.
Program benefits
Using the group buying power of our community, Southborough Community Power Choice provides Southborough residents and businesses with a range of important benefits.