Change your option

If your account will be automatically enrolled, or it is already enrolled in the program, you may use the form below to:

  • Opt up to New England Green.
  • Change back to 100% Green (this is the default program offering).
  • Opt down to Basic.

Please include the information requested as it appears on your electric utility bill. Be sure to use the name on the account and the account service address when completing the form.

Please note that it may take up to two billing cycles for the change to appear on your bill, as changes can only be made at the start of a billing cycle.

Combined Form 2024 v2 (July)
Please enter 11-digit account number with no spaces, dashes, letters, or other characters.

Your name key can be found on the second page of your Eversource bill, directly beneath your account number. Your name key is typically the first 4 letters of the last name on a residential account, or the first 4 characters, including spaces, of the name on a commercial account. Find your name key

Can be found on the second page of your Eversource electric bill, just below the blue and green box that contains your service address.
Account type
Medium and large commercial or industrial customers interested in enrolling should contact customer support to verify account eligibility.

Please include an email address to receive a receipt of this request for your records.
Please include the phone number we should use if we need to contact you about this request.