Example National Grid bill 

This page helps you to find Nantucket PowerChoice on your bill. To compare the cost of participating in Nantucket PowerChoice vs National Grid’s Basic Service, use the price calculator.

Nantucket PowerChoice will be integrated into your existing National Grid electric bill.

  • Your Supply Services charge will be impacted by Nantucket PowerChoice. Supply Services is the part of the bill where you pay for the electricity you use. National Grid makes no profit from the Supply Services part of your bill.
  • Your Delivery Services charges will not be impacted by Nantucket PowerChoice. Delivery Services is the part of the bill where you pay National Grid to deliver your electricity and maintain the poles and wires. National Grid makes their profit from the Delivery Services part of your bill.

You will not see any additional charges on your National Grid electric bill or receive any additional electric bills because of participating in Nantucket PowerChoice.

Where to look on your bill:

Look for the Supply Services section at the bottom of the first page or the top of the second page.

  • Nantucket’s electricity supplier, First Point Power, will be listed on your bill as your electricity supplier. Look for First Point Power – Nantucket PowerChoice.
  • National Grid will use a Nantucket PowerChoice price as your Electricity Supply price. If the phrase “Basic Service Fixed” appears on your bill, it will change to “Electricity Supply” when your account is enrolled in the program.


National Grid bill example illustrating where to find the supplier contact information and your supply price. Supply services typically appear on the bottom of the first page or on the top of the second page.