Participation is…

  • Open to all metered electricity accounts in Hanover.

  • Automatic for most accounts.

  • Never required.

Participation is open to both residential and commercial accounts in Hanover.

Industrial accounts may receive a higher market price at the time of enrollment.

If you have…

  • National Grid’s Basic Service: Your account will be eligible for automatic enrollment in Hanover Energy Choice at program launch unless you have asked National Grid to place a block on your account. The automatic enrollment model is state law. All programs like Hanover Energy Choice use an automatic enrollment model. If your account is eligible for automatic enrollment, you will receive a detailed notice in the mail from the Town in late March, and no action will be required if you wish to participateVisit the program notifications & documents page to see the automatic enrollment notice.
  • A private electricity supply contract: Your account will not be eligible for automatic enrollment, but you may request enrollment.
  • Asked National Grid to place a block on your account: Your account will not be eligible for automatic enrollment, even if you have not signed a private electricity supply contract. To participate, you must first ask National Grid to remove the block, then request enrollment in Hanover Energy Choice.
  • Previously opted out: If you have rejected an offer of automatic enrollment in Hanover Energy Choice, or you were enrolled and then left the program, your account may be eligible for a higher market price instead of the program price. If you are eligible for a market price, you will be notified and will have the opportunity to accept or reject that price before being enrolled.
  • A low-income discount or fuel assistance: You will continue to receive your benefit with no change.
  • National Grid’s Budget Plan: The Budget Plan continues to apply to your whole bill with no change.
  • Credits on your bill or you receive an incentive payment because of solar panels on your property or because of participating in community solar: You will continue to receive your credits or incentive payments. Further, there will be no change in how they are calculated. Their calculation is not based on your electricity supply price.
  • A tax-exempt account: To retain your tax-exempt status, you must submit tax-exemption documentation to the program’s electricity supplier. Tax-exemption documentation must be submitted each time the program’s electricity supplier changes. Learn more.
  • National Grid’s GreenUp Energy Program: You will not be eligible for automatic enrollment in Hanover Energy Choice, even though you have National Grid’s Basic Service pricing. More generally, you cannot participate in both the GreenUp Energy Program and also Hanover Energy Choice. Enrolling in Hanover Energy Choice will terminate your participation in National Grid’s GreenUp Energy Program.

Participation is never required.

You may opt out of Hanover Energy Choice at any time with no fee or penalty. If your account is eligible for automatic enrollment, you will be able to opt out prior to being enrolled. Or you can try the program and opt out at any time in the future with no fee or penalty.